Posted : 9 years, 3 months ago on 22 November 2015 05:19
(A review of
Undertale is a game with many things to talk about has a lot of features that make it a unique game that will remain ever seen surprising for years until I dare say a decade should talk a little about his 6 features:
1. History seems simplistic at first but gradually discover many things, including Chara
2. Mechanical: Unlike RPG as shit was Dragon Quest uses an incredible mechanics, that is perhaps in the RPG was something strategic but monotonous, here you take away a bit so strategic to play like a game that is not RPG
3. Message: OH MY GOD Who knew? A message Excellent! Finally! The message also parodies other rpg ls, things are not resolved FIGHTING
4. Feature: It is full of parodies the RPG! My personal favorites are the one who will not let you sell old used sticks and you're going to a hotel and go to sleep, you wake up and the owner says you look like again, although estubiste 2 minutes! Defies absurd logic of video games!
5. Easter Eggs: Just look at it, there are plenty
6. CONSEQUENCES: It's not what you're thinking, the game has mechanical to know you do at all times and reset, I'll give an example SPOILERS care has Kill Toriel either accidentally or not, restart from your save point and not you kill, you will chat with flowey AND DAUGHTER OF GOD KNOWS THAT KILLED FIRST, this game is aware of every step, be careful
If I'm so tarry forever, I do not find errors, it is technically perfect and could say that it is worth spending 10 dollars on it.
Highly recommended.
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